Adult Gym (16+)
Calling all adults! Have you ever wanted to learn a flip or a cartwheel but don't know where to start? Are you a former gymnast who wants to get back your skills, strength, and flexibility? Or are you just looking to switch-up your workout routine in a new and fun environment? If you said yes to any of these questions you should definitely sign up for our Adult Gym program!
There is no experience required to participate in this 1 hour and 25 minute, instructor-lead class, and people of all ages, and abilities are welcome! In this class athletes will work with the instructor to reach their personal goals on each of the events, while also working on their strength, coordination, and flexibility!
Fall Session 15 weeks : Sept 7 - Dec 20 (no classes Oct 14)
Winter Session 9 weeks: Jan 4 - Mar 7 ( no classes Feb 17)
Spring Session 9/8 weeks: Mar 15 - May 16 ( no classes Apr 18,20,21) Registration begins February 10th
*Prices reflect when classes are affected by a stat holiday.
You never pay HST at HHGC!