Advanced Girls Gym Level 8-10
This 1 hour and 55 minute class is designed for athletes that are working levels 8-10, and who have expressed a passion for gymnastics, and strong desire to improve their skills! Athletes in this program should have recently completed Level 7.
Prerequisites for this program include: a cast back-hip circle into an under swing on the bars, a back handspring down an incline, a cartwheel on a high beam, and a handstand-flat-back on the vault from a spring board
Fall Session 15 weeks : Sept 7 - Dec 20 (no classes Oct 14)
Winter Session 9 weeks: Jan 4 - Mar 7 ( no classes Feb 17) Registration begins Oct. 28
Spring Session 9 weeks: Mar 15 - May 16 ( no classes Apr 18)
*Prices reflect when classes are affected by a stat holiday.
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